Lucky Jim
I've interviewed Jimmy Nesbitt a few times and he's so friendly and easy-going, it's only when I get home and write up the piece – and list all the huge projects he's been involved in, from The Hobbit to Bloody Sunday – that I remember he's actually a pretty huge star. I got to fly to Hong Kong for this Lucky Man interview and watch Jimmy and Rupert Penry Jones rehearse their fight scenes - have a look at my exclusive behind the scenes pictures.

sometimes, just sometimes, it *is* okay to meet your heroes
I LOVE Dawn French. Like, serious love. I'd probably leave my husband for her. And the dogs. When I was little, my friend Jo Cherry and I would sing 'Cox and Cherry' to the French and Saunders theme tune, and pretend to be them. So if you'd have told me then that I'd have ended up interviewing the great woman herself so often that she now greets me with a big hug, I would have DIED.

Made in Chelsea
I'm not generally much of a reality TV fan but I have a massive soft spot for Made in Chelsea. Don't ask me why - they are utterly objectionable, but it just amuses me! I organised their most glamorous ever shoot in LA...